Enterprise AI
July 25, 2024

How To Get Buy-in From Stakeholders for Your AI Initiatives

Learn effective strategies for getting buy-in from stakeholders on AI projects, tailored to executives, IT, operational leaders, and innovation executives.
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How To Get Buy-in From Stakeholders for Your AI Initiatives

Securing stakeholder buy-in is crucial for successfully adopting AI initiatives within any organization. From the C-level executive team to the development team, stakeholders must be convinced of the tangible benefits and project success that AI can bring to their specific domains.  

Without their support, even the most promising AI projects can struggle to gain the necessary resources and momentum. Effective stakeholder buy-in facilitates smoother implementation and ensures ongoing support and alignment with the company’s strategic goals.

This article offers valuable insights on how to get buy-in from stakeholders when business leaders introduce AI into their enterprises.

Key Takeaways 

  • Implementing AI initiatives requires more than just deploying software. It requires a holistic approach that actively engages the company's people, processes, and culture. 
  • Any organization wishing to adopt AI initiatives must secure stakeholder buy-in.
  • Different stakeholder groups demand different approaches for successful buy-in.
  • Engaging stakeholders and addressing their concerns is crucial for acceptance and support to achieve buy in. 

Challenges With Getting Stakeholder Buy-In

We recently sat down with our Senior NLP Engineer, Andrew McKishnie, to get a few insights on implementing AI in business. One of the first things he said was this:

“The biggest challenge is usually getting buy-in from all relevant parties. The problem is usually threefold. First, there’s some distrust in AI, especially when it comes to more complex use cases that involve automated decision-making. Secondly, there are almost always some upfront costs that many businesses are not prepared for or are just not willing to pay. And, thirdly, there’s still a lack of education around AI, especially among employees. They sometimes don’t know how to use AI, so they end up not getting the results they’re after.”

Project stakeholders often have diverse priorities and issues, necessitating tailored communication strategies to address their unique needs. For instance, C-level executives may focus on ROI and competitive advantage, while IT leaders are more worried about integration and scalability.

Understanding and addressing these varied interests through clear, data-driven presentations and real-world examples is essential to building a compelling case for AI investment. Doing so can overcome resistance and foster positive change, collaboration, and innovation within your company.

Key Strategies for Securing Buy-In

It’s easier to implement something successfully when everyone is on board. Getting buy in from key stakeholders is more than just answering the question of how it will specifically benefit different stakeholders within the company, if your objective is achieved. 

It's about understanding their problems, addressing their priorities, and demonstrating the AI initiative's tangible benefits. 

Tailor your communication strategy to align with each stakeholder's interests and responsibilities, ensuring they see the value in their terms. This approach fosters a collaborative environment, making stakeholders feel valued and more likely to support the initiative.

If you are wondering how to get buy in from stakeholders successfully, here are a few steps you need to take:

graphic with a list of 5 steps for successful stakeholder buy-in
Follow these five steps to secure stakeholder buy-in

Let’s dive deeper into each step.

1. Identify Project Stakeholders

Traditionally, project management often identifies stakeholders by their job titles or positions within the company. But true influence frequently lies outside of these formal structures. Unofficial power dynamics exist in every organization, and those informal leaders can be pivotal for securing genuine support and stakeholder buy-in.

For instance, if you're looking to implement AI in supply chain management, the initial stakeholders might seem to be the supply chain managers, IT team, and executives. 

However, the project could face resistance from warehouse staff and logistics coordinators, who are crucial for the operational success of the AI system. They might not be on board (e.g., due to worries about job displacement and the complexities of adapting to new technology), so this hidden resistance can derail even the most well-planned initiatives.

Another thing to consider is identifying who among your stakeholders are:

  • Strong allies — they will actively support your AI initiatives
  • Neutral players — they will indifferently participate
  • Critical skeptics — they will question the benefits and potential drawbacks
  • Active objectors — they will oppose and even try to block your efforts

The Stakeholder’s Roles

stakeholder's roles defined by their level of influence and impact (high, medium, low)
Define the level of impact each stakeholder group has

Assess each stakeholder by considering their:

  • level of direct involvement with your objective,
  • influence over other stakeholders,
  • the resources they control. 

Determine whether each factor has a high, medium, or low impact on your project's success. 

When evaluating different roles within your stakeholder group, you must identify their unique functions and levels of influence within the decision-making process. What does that mean?

  • There is the individual who will directly interact with the product or service and will experience its benefits and potential issues firsthand. 
  • Then, there are people or individuals who can sway the buying decision through their opinions and recommendations. 
  • The person with the ultimate authority to approve or reject the purchase is also critical, as is the one responsible for executing the financial transaction. 
  • Finally, there is the role of managing the flow of information and controlling access to vital decision-makers and influencers. 

This evaluation will help you tailor your approach to involve each stakeholder effectively based on their significance and power.

2. Build a Compelling Business Case

To build a business case, you must carefully determine the problem you are trying to solve and clearly communicate the benefits to each stakeholder group by showcasing real-world examples

Before we dissect each approach, you need to keep a few other things in mind to make your case compelling and bulletproof.

Address Potential Concerns

As Andrew has pointed out, there are usually three main problems with AI initiatives:

  1. Distrust in AI
  2. Cost considerations
  3. Lack of education about AI

Foreseeing resistance helps ensure stakeholders thoroughly consider any presented ideas, increasing the likelihood of acceptance. For example, discuss the steps you will take to ensure data privacy and security. Justify the costs of AI initiatives focusing on long-term value or offer training for employees unfamiliar with AI, ensuring they understand its benefits and applications.

Another often-seen issue is the job replacement scare. Explain how AI will augment rather than replace existing roles, enhancing overall job satisfaction and productivity.

Develop a Clear Implementation Plan

Present a phased approach to AI adoption, highlighting quick wins and long-term goals. Outline the support and training available to ensure smooth integration.

Define Stakeholder Investment

Next, clarify what you need from the stakeholders. Remember, not all stakeholders are there to give approvals; some are involved to raise awareness or provide input.  

Stakeholders will respond quicker when they understand their specific responsibilities, leading to smoother project execution.

Different Stakeholders Require Different Message Delivery

Creating messages that resonate with various stakeholders' unique doubts and viewpoints increases the likelihood of gaining their support. For example, middle managers and executives will likely want to determine success in different ways, and how you pitch your AI project should reflect this.

When addressing executive teams, emphasize the idea's broader impact and strategic value. In contrast, front-line employees are likely more troubled with the immediate effects on their daily tasks and workflow. Adjusting your approach based on the audience ensures that the message is relevant and compelling to all of them.

Let's explore the optimal strategies for each group by focusing on their primary interests and concerns.

image of stakeholders' roles and their interests
Keep in mind that different stakeholders have different interests and address them accordingly

Executive Teams Leaders

For C-level and VP-level business unit leaders, emphasize the substantial financial benefits AI can bring through cost savings and quick ROI. Share real-world case studies illustrating how AI has successfully reduced operational costs and increased profitability. 

Our case study with Direct Mortgage is a good example. It shows how AI-driven automation led to significant cost reductions and a swift ROI, making it a compelling argument for investment.

You can also explain how adopting AI technology provides a competitive edge by streamlining operations, enhancing efficiency, and enabling faster decision-making

IT Leaders

When addressing IT leaders, focus on the ease of integrating AI with existing systems, ensuring minimal disruption and a smooth transition. For example, our AI solutions are scalable and can grow with the company and adapt to future needs by retraining on the new data. 

Highlight how AI can optimize resources by automating routine maintenance and troubleshooting, allowing IT teams to concentrate on strategic initiatives that drive innovation and growth.

Operational Leaders

Operational leaders will appreciate AI's efficiency gains, including significant reductions in processing times and streamlined workflows. Emphasize that reducing errors leads to higher accuracy in critical tasks such as document handling and decision-making

With these examples, you can showcase how AI optimizes processes, leading to smoother operations, better resource allocation, and overall improved operational performance.

Innovation Executives

When engaging innovation executives, highlight the advanced nature of AI technology and how it positions the enterprise as a leader in innovation. Adopting cutting-edge AI solutions can set the company apart from competitors by showcasing a commitment to leveraging the latest technology. 

Explain how AI enables the exploration of new business models and opportunities. This approach strengthens market leadership and cultivates an environment that supports continuous improvement and growth.

3. Engage Your Stakeholders and Keep Them in the Loop

Not all stakeholders will be involved during the process at the same time. Different people or groups influence the purchasing decision process within an organization at different stages. That is why updating the stakeholders regularly throughout the process is essential.  

Engaged stakeholders and good communication are essential to gain buy in.

Engaging internal stakeholders in decision-making increases their sense of ownership and responsibility, leading to better collaboration and cooperation. When a person actively contributes to creating and refining ideas and co-designing solutions, it fosters personal investment and solidifies buy-in.

Ensure everyone has a shared vision, which brings us to the next step — getting feedback.

4. Get Active Stakeholder Feedback 

If you want to achieve stakeholder buy in successfully, you need to solicit feedback and give stakeholders a deadline for that feedback or approval.

Feedback can come in many forms, such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, etc. These methods help gather perspectives, opinions, and suggestions from stakeholders. It's crucial to listen actively and empathetically, acknowledge their doubts and questions, and address any issues or objections they may have.

5. Post-Buy-In Review + Celebrate Successful Milestones

After achieving stakeholder buy-in, the final step is to maintain momentum through regular reviews and celebrations of milestones. Conduct post-buy-in reviews to assess AI implementation progress, identify improvement areas, and ensure alignment with the initial objectives. 

These reviews cultivate transparency and continuous stakeholder engagement.

Celebrating successful milestones is equally important. It showcases the progress made and secures your AI initiative's future. Acknowledge and reward the project team and their efforts and accomplishments publicly to reinforce the value of their contributions. 

Recognizing these achievements boosts morale and strengthens commitment to the project's ongoing success, ensuring sustained stakeholder support and enthusiasm from all people involved.


Securing stakeholder buy-in is essential for successfully implementing AI and aligning project goals within any organization. Without the support and commitment of key stakeholders, AI projects can struggle to gain the necessary resources, focus, and alignment with strategic company goals. 

Engaging stakeholders ensures a collaborative approach, addressing their doubts and priorities, leading to smoother implementation and sustained support.

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