Enterprise AI
August 7, 2024

77 Generative AI Trends in 2024: Privacy, Security, and More (+Free PDF)

Explore 77 Generative AI trends in 2024, covering everything from security and privacy to creativity and business innovations.
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77 Generative AI Trends in 2024: Privacy, Security, and More (+Free PDF)

Generative AI has been transforming various industries so far in 2024 and continues to do so with advancements and trends emerging across different sectors. This extensive listicle breaks down the most important ones, but it’s not exhaustive and will evolve as new technologies emerge. 

Keep an eye on this space to stay up-to-date with the latest developments.

We tried to match these generative AI trends according to their subtopics. Some intertwine and can fit into several categories, like multimodal AI, personalization trends, business or marketing, etc. We left some of them as individual topics.

Balancing Expectations with Accessibility

Before we dive into more specific AI trends, we need to mention these two major ones that will influence the AI landscape in 2024 and years to come.

  1. Reality check

While AI offers immense potential, companies need a realistic view of its capabilities and limitations. This trend emphasizes the importance of setting achievable goals and understanding that AI is not a magic solution to all problems.

As our Senior NLP Engineer Andrew McKishnie mentioned, over- and underestimating AI capabilities is one of the biggest issues when it comes to implementing AI in business.

  1. Democratization of AI with Open Source

The open-source movement makes AI tools and resources more accessible, allowing smaller companies and individuals to experiment with and deploy AI technologies. This democratization is driving innovation and helping to level the playing field in AI development.

Generative AI Trends in Security 

Data leak risks are becoming more prominent. AI-driven security will be more important than ever for protecting data and preventing malicious attacks.

  1. Cybersecurity

AI-based security approaches are becoming increasingly popular as they provide better protection against cyberattacks. AI can also be used to detect suspicious activity and alert users to potential threats. 

graphic of AI in cyber security examples
One of the biggest AI trends is cybersecurity

Additionally, AI technology for security is also becoming more efficient and cost-effective. You can use Gen AI models to generate synthetic data, which is useful for training and testing security tools.

AI Trends in Privacy 

As AI adoption grows, so do privacy concerns. Companies are focusing on integrating AI with strong privacy protections to ensure regulatory compliance.

  1. AI-driven privacy tools

There has been a rise in developing AI-driven tools to manage and protect sensitive data and automate privacy compliance processes.

  1. Privacy concerns

Generative AI's rise amplifies privacy concerns, requiring companies to navigate complex regulations and protect individual rights.

According to Forbes Advisor, 31% of business owners expressed privacy concerns.

Ethical and Legal Considerations

Organizations actively mention the need for robust frameworks to manage AI implementation and risks.

  1. AI bias and hallucinations

With AI's growing presence, addressing bias and fairness is crucial. Developers work on mitigating these issues to ensure equitable and unbiased systems.

In 2024, there have been many cases of AI hallucinations where even the biggest tech giants, like Google and Microsoft, have found themselves in hot waters.

  1.  Job displacement

AI's automation capabilities raise concerns about job displacement, with businesses exploring ways to mitigate these impacts on the workforce. People will have to learn new skills to adapt to changes and accept that Generative AI will help many keep their jobs and gain access to new ones.

  1. AI-generated deepfakes

Deepfake technology, driven by generative AI, poses ethical challenges, particularly around misinformation and potential misuse.

It is a major trend this year because of the upcoming elections in November.

  1. AI and copyright law 

Generative AI blurs intellectual property lines, leading to debates over copyright ownership for AI-generated content with evolving laws.

One of the more prominent copyright lawsuits is the New York times vs. OpenAI.

  1. AI regulations 

Governments worldwide are implementing rules to govern AI to ensure responsible development and prevent harm. The number of AI-related regulations in the U.S. increased notably in the past year and over the last five years, jumping from merely one in 2016 to 25 in 2023. The total number of AI-related regulations grew by 56.3% in the past year alone. 

However, the European Union is significantly ahead in this area, having already established comprehensive AI regulations, such as the AI Act, to ensure ethical and safe AI development and deployment across its member states.

  1. Increased demand for Explainable AI (XAI)

As AI systems become more complex, there is a growing demand for transparency in how decisions are made. Explainable AI (XAI) seeks to make AI processes more understandable to humans, helping build trust in AI systems by providing clear insights into AI-powered decision-making.

AI’s Impact on the Environment

There's growing concern about the environmental impact of AI and interest in energy-efficient solutions. Artificial intelligence’s impact on the environment is twofold:

  1. Increased focus on sustainable AI

AI solutions, like Microsoft’s FarmVibes, can be used to enhance weather predictions, assess carbon levels, and implement other innovative solutions to fight climate change and improve agricultural efficiency.

  1. Energy consumption

On the other hand, AI, especially deep learning models, and large-scale computations, can consume significant amounts of energy. Training large AI models requires substantial computational power, often leading to high carbon footprints.

Emerging AI Technologies and Models

As we move through 2024, several emerging AI technologies and models are shaping the industry’s future. 

  1. Multimodal AI

Multimodal AI is all the buzz in 2024 due to its ability to integrate various advanced technologies, including machine learning (ML), computer vision, and natural language processing (NLP). 

This convergence allows AI to process and understand different types of data simultaneously—such as text, images, videos, and speech—within a single framework. 

Graphic of Multimodal AI and different data types like text, images, videos, and speech
Multimodal AI integrates various advanced technologies

By leveraging these diverse data streams, multimodal AI can offer more comprehensive insights and more accurate, contextually relevant responses. 

  1. AI-as-a-Service (AIaaS)

AI-as-a-Service (AIaaS) is a cloud-based service model that allows companies to access AI tools and services without needing to develop their own infrastructure. This trend is making AI more accessible to businesses of all sizes.

AIaaS is part of a broader trend that includes Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and Service-as-Software, where companies focus on selling services delivered by AI versus selling AI that humans can use to perform services themselves.

  1. NLP technology and Conversational AI

Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology is improving rapidly. It enables more natural and effective interactions between humans and machines. This technology powers chatbots, virtual assistants, and customer service solutions, making them more intuitive and responsive.

  1. Purpose-built AI

Purpose-built and fine-tuned AI to your data delivers better results than off-the-shelf models like ChatGPT, which often lack business-specific insights. Fine-tuning a model to meet your business's unique needs is crucial for success.

  1. Large language models (LLMs) vs. Small language models (SLMs)

LLMs are larger and more complex, while SLMs are smaller in size and simpler. LLMs are typically used for tasks such as natural language processing (NLP), while smaller models are used for tasks such as text classification.

LLMs are also more expensive and harder to maintain, making SLMs more attractive for certain businesses.

  1. Embedded AI

Directly integrating AI into user interfaces (UI) and operational processes enhances efficiency and user experience (UX), making technology more intuitive.

  1. Human-in-the-GenAI-loop

As AI systems become more autonomous, there's a shift towards Human-in-the-GenAI-loop, where human oversight is incorporated into AI-driven processes to ensure accuracy and reliability.

  1. Edge AI

The trend of deploying AI models closer to data sources for improved speed and privacy is gaining traction. Edge AI reduces latency and enhances privacy, which is especially crucial for applications like autonomous vehicles and smart devices.

  1. Autonomous AI

Autonomous AI systems can operate independently, making decisions and taking actions without human oversight. This trend drives innovations in areas like self-driving cars, drones, and industrial automation.

  1. Agentic AI

Agentic AI refers to AI systems that can act autonomously, making decisions without human intervention. It is particularly relevant in areas such as autonomous vehicles, robotics, and smart systems.

  1. Cloud computing

Cloud computing continues to play a significant role in the deployment and scalability of AI models. It provides the computational power necessary to train large datasets and supports the infrastructure needed for AI to function at scale. 

As cloud services become more sophisticated, they enable faster and more efficient AI model deployment.

  1. Integration of AI with IoT

The integration of AI with the Internet of Things (IoT) is enhancing the capabilities of smart devices. AI enables these devices to process data locally and make real-time decisions, improving efficiency and opening new possibilities in sectors like smart homes, healthcare, and industrial automation.

graphic representing Internet of things
IoT connects various devices and technologies
  1. Demand for low-code/no-code AI platforms

There is a growing demand for low-code and no-code AI platforms that allow non-technical users to develop and deploy AI solutions without needing extensive programming skills. This trend is democratizing AI development and making it more accessible to a broader audience.

  1. AI-Augmented apps and services

AI-augmented applications and services integrate AI capabilities to enhance functionality, offering smarter user experiences (UX) and improved performance. This trend is expanding across various sectors, including healthcare, finance, and customer service.

AI Trends in Business 

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing business processes through actionable insights, and customization, increasing the demand for skilled AI developers.

  1. Actionable AI

Enterprises are seeking ways to use AI to discover and optimize business processes.

Actionable AI refers to AI systems that analyze data and provide actionable insights, enabling businesses to make informed decisions quickly. This trend is particularly important in areas like business intelligence and predictive analytics.

  1. Software Engineering, Developers, and Prompt Engineers

As generative AI becomes more complex, the demand for skilled developers, including prompt engineers who specialize in optimizing AI model responses, is increasing. This trend reflects the growing need for expertise in developing, deploying, and maintaining AI systems.

  1. AI Trends in personalization and customization (BYOAI)

Personalization and customization through AI are becoming increasingly important, especially with the rise of Bring Your Own AI (BYOAI) models. These models allow businesses to customize generative AI tools to suit their specific needs better, offering a more tailored user experience.

  1. Workplace productivity and Shadow AI

As AI technology becomes more prevalent in the workplace, there is a growing trend of employees using AI tools independently, known as Shadow AI. While this can boost productivity, it also raises concerns about data security and consistency across an organization.

AI Trends in Customer Service

The biggest AI trends in customer service include faster answers to customer queries using messaging services or emails powered by generative AI.

  1. Chatbots

In 2024, everyone noticed a rise in AI-powered chatbots, which are becoming more sophisticated and offering personalized customer service and support 24/7.

  1. Virtual Assistants (VA)

VAs are improving their ability to understand and respond to customer queries, enhancing the overall customer experience.

Industry-Specific Generative AI Trends

Generative AI is finding new applications across various industries, including healthcare, banking, retail, and more. Companies are increasingly leveraging AI to optimize operations, improve customer experiences, and create new products and services.

  1. Retail

AI is transforming retail by enabling personalized shopping experiences, optimizing inventory management, and improving customer service.

  1. E-commerce

AI is enhancing e-commerce through personalized recommendations, dynamic pricing, and chatbots for customer support. E-commerce platforms optimize the shopping experience with AI, from personalized recommendations to AI-powered customer service, driving growth.

AI Trends in Healthcare

AI is revolutionizing healthcare by improving diagnostic accuracy, personalizing treatment plans, and streamlining administrative tasks.

  1. AI-powered diagnostics

Generative AI already enhances healthcare by improving diagnostic accuracy, and analyzing medical images and patient data to detect diseases earlier. This industry expects to see even more growth in this area.

  1. Personalized medicine

AI is advancing personalized medicine by analyzing patient data to create customized treatment plans, leading to more precise healthcare.

  1. Drug discovery

Generative AI will accelerate drug discovery, predicting new molecules' structure and behavior, and helping pharmaceutical companies develop new drugs faster.

  1. AI-enhanced prosthetics

Generative AI is designing advanced prosthetics, offering improved functionality and customization, and enhancing users' quality of life.

AI Trends in Finance and Fintech

Financial institutions use AI for fraud detection, risk management, and personalized financial advice.

  1. AI for fraud detection

AI is used for fraud detection by analyzing large datasets to identify suspicious activities and patterns, offering better protection for financial institutions.

  1. Automated trading algorithms

This year, we saw examples of trading with algorithms that predict market movements and execute trades, reducing the need for human intervention.

graphic of examples of AI algorithms used in trading with trading candles
AI algorithms can be used in trading
  1. AI-powered financial planning

Generative artificial intelligence tools offer personalized financial advice and planning, helping individuals and businesses make informed financial decisions.

  1. AI in insurance underwriting

Insurance companies already use AI to improve underwriting, analyze customer data to assess risk more accurately, and create personalized products. Since this is one of our areas of expertise, we expect these applications to expand further. 

  1. Predictive analytics in banking

Banks use AI-powered predictive analytics to forecast customer behavior, optimize operations, and improve customer service.

Manufacturing AI Trends

AI is optimizing manufacturing processes through predictive maintenance, quality control, and supply chain optimization.

  1. AI-driven automation

Generative AI drives automation across manufacturing processes, increasing efficiency, reducing costs, and improving product quality.

  1. Predictive maintenance

AI can predict equipment maintenance needs, reducing downtime and extending machinery life, which is becoming crucial for optimizing operations.

  1. AI in supply chain optimization

AI helps companies optimize supply chains, predict demand, manage inventory, and streamline logistics, improving efficiency.

  1. AI-powered quality control

AI enhances quality control by analyzing product data to detect defects, ensuring consistency and reducing waste in manufacturing.

  1. AI in product design

Generative AI enables innovative product designs, pushing traditional manufacturing boundaries by generating multiple design options.

AI in Retail and Consumer Goods

  1. AI-powered recommendation engines

Retailers use AI to develop recommendation engines offering personalized product suggestions, boosting sales and customer satisfaction.

  1. AI in inventory management

Generative AI optimizes inventory management by predicting demand and automating restocking, reducing waste, and improving efficiency.

  1. AI in customer experience

Retailers leverage AI to enhance the customer experience, from personalized marketing to AI-powered chatbots assisting with service.

graphic of examples of AI in customer service like chatbots, marketing, etc.
A big trend this year is AI in customer service
  1. AI in product design and development

AI helps companies create innovative products that meet changing consumer needs, analyzing trends and preferences to inform design.

AI Trends in Marketing

  1. AI-driven content creation

Businesses are automating content creation with generative AI for blogs, social media, and marketing campaigns, ensuring consistent output while saving time.

  1. Personalized marketing campaigns

By the end of 2024, marketers will leverage AI to analyze large volumes of data, enabling them to create increasingly sophisticated hyper-personalized marketing campaigns.

  1. AI in advertising

Generative AI transforms advertising by creating targeted and effective ad campaigns, from generating ad copy to designing visuals.

AI in Social Media and Online Platforms

  1. AI-generated content

Social media platforms increasingly use AI to create content, from personalized ads to AI-generated posts, engaging users and driving revenue.

  1. AI in content moderation

AI plays a big role in moderating social media content and identifying and removing harmful or inappropriate posts to create safer environments.

graphic of a robot sitting at a computer desk
AI is used for content moderation and fact-checking
  1. AI in social media analytics

AI analyzes social media data to gain insights into trends, user behavior, and engagement, helping businesses make informed decisions.

Generative AI Trends in Education and Training

AI is personalizing education by tailoring learning experiences to individual students and automating administrative tasks. In 2024, companies that can leverage large datasets for training and refining their AI models will have a significant competitive advantage.

  1. Personalized learning

Generative AI transforms education by creating personalized learning experiences and adapting to students' strengths and weaknesses.

  1. AI-powered tutoring

AI-driven tutoring platforms offer personalized support and guidance, becoming more widespread in education by 2024.

  1. Virtual classrooms and AI

Generative AI enhances virtual classrooms with interactive and immersive experiences, growing with the rise of remote learning models.

  1. AI for skills training

AI is used in vocational training, creating personalized programs that adapt to learners' progress and help workers stay competitive.

Generative AI for Scientific Research

Generative AI is increasingly used in scientific research to model complex systems, simulate experiments, and analyze large volumes of data. This trend is helping researchers make breakthroughs faster and with greater accuracy, driving innovation in various scientific fields.

  1. AI in scientific discovery

AI is revolutionizing scientific research, helping scientists analyze large datasets to discover new insights and make breakthroughs.

  1. AI-driven simulations

Scientists use generative AI in simulations to model complex systems, ranging from climate patterns to drug interactions, which advances our scientific understanding.

  1. AI in data analysis

Everyone is talking about the importance of large datasets in training AI models. Access to vast amounts of high-quality data allows for the development of more accurate and reliable AI systems. 

Generative AI Trends in Creativity Sphere

When it first became widely available to the public, AI took the creative industry by storm. Generative AI continues to evolve in art, creating innovative pieces that challenge traditional creativity. Artists use AI tools to explore new styles and forms of expression.

Graphic of Creatve AI that involve text, image, video, design, etc. with corresponding icons
  1. Text

AI is generating written content, from articles to novels, short stories, and poetry, exploring new themes and styles that challenge human creativity. AI text generating tools are among the most developed and widely used AI tools available today. 

These tools excel at generating human-like text based on the input they receive, making them highly versatile for a variety of applications. And they are still a major trend in AI.

  1. Image

AI-driven tools are creating realistic images and artwork, pushing the boundaries of digital design. With the advancements in AI image generators, the use of AI in image creation is becoming increasingly popular. 

  1. Design

AI is transforming product and graphic design, offering innovative methods for visual problem-solving. More and more individuals and businesses are turning to AI tools for logo design and other branding materials.

  1. Music

AI composition tools are offering new ways to explore and create soundscapes. AI's role in music is expanding, helping artists create original pieces or even entire albums.

  1. Speech

The days of Siri or Alexa being the only AI voices are long gone. AI models can now generate realistic speech, contributing to advancements in virtual assistants and digital voiceovers.

The downside of this advancement is the ability to create deepfakes. One of the most infamous cases was OpenAI making a deepfake with Scarlett Johansson’s voice calling it “Sky,” after which she filed a lawsuit against them.

  1. Video

Generative AI is being used to produce high-quality videos and CGI content, and, like speech, it can create deepfakes.

  1. AI-powered film production

AI revolutionized film production this year by generating scripts, storyboards, and visual effects, enhancing storytelling and streamlining processes.

Potential Future Applications

The possibilities for AI applications are extensive and diverse. In the next couple of years, we anticipate that AI will be a standard occurrence in our daily lives. Expected uses may include:

graphic of city landscape, drones and flying cars
AI is the future
  1. Smart cities

AI will optimize traffic flow, manage energy consumption, and improve public safety, making cities more efficient and livable.

  1. Autonomous transportation

AI will revolutionize transportation with self-driving cars, drones delivering packages, and more.

  1. Robotics

AI-driven robotics will be critical in various industries, from manufacturing to healthcare to personal home use.

  1. Digital clones

Digital clones are AI-generated replicas of individuals. They will perform tasks and interact in virtual environments, opening up new possibilities for personalization and interaction.

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