Enterprise AI
December 20, 2023

How CEOs Can Use AI Content Creation To Drive Revenue, with Jeff Coyle, Co-Founder and CSO of MarketMuse

Jeff Coyle, Co-Founder and CSO of MarketMuse, shares how CEOs can leverage AI for data-driven content strategies, drive revenue, and maintain authenticity.
This is a summary of an episode of Pioneers, an educational podcast on AI led by our founder. Join 2,000+ business leaders and AI enthusiasts and be the first to know when new episodes go live. Subscribe to our newsletter here.


  • AI content creation tools offer significant benefits, including enhanced efficiency, scalability, and content quality.
  • By leveraging AI for advanced keyword analysis and personalized content, businesses can ensure their material aligns with audience searches and preferences.
  • Benefits include time and cost savings, enhanced SEO, consistency in brand voice, improved content quality, scalability, and efficiency.
  • Challenges include limited creativity, potential AI hallucinations, inconsistent tone, and accuracy issues.
  • AI should complement human creativity to ensure that content remains authentic and engaging. This approach leverages AI-driven efficiency and insights to enhance the creative process.
Before we explore the key takeaways from this episode, make sure you watch the full episode here:

Jeff Coyle’s Path to Founding MarketMuse

Jeff Coyle began his career in computer science at Georgia Tech, initially working in a TV channel development team. He chose to intern at a startup, where his impressive work on a competitive analysis project earned him a mentor and head intern position. 

His professional journey involved a deep dive into search engines and product management, gaining expertise in building search-based products and search engine optimization. 

Jeff was the first person to discuss natural language generation in search. However, he aims to be known not just for pioneering this area but for creating highly successful, large-scale products related to these topics.

He describes joining MarketMuse after evaluating its potential to automate content classification and taxonomy processes. He was impressed with their technology, which reduced the process from 10 hours to 4 minutes.

MarketMuse focused on automating content strategy and building the first AI-generated content briefs and plans. Despite being ahead of the market by a few years, they continuously worked towards product-market maturity.

Jeff emphasizes the importance of differentiated AI products and clear user experiences. He points out that users need to understand how hard the tasks automated by AI are to fully appreciate the technology. 

MarketMuse aims to make better content decisions, increasing the success rate of published articles. By improving research, planning, and execution, they help teams produce more effective content.

“Making great decisions about what to create blows away the ROI.“ — Jeff Coyle

What Is Artificial Intelligence Content Creation?

AI content creation uses advanced software to automatically generate written, audio, and video content. These tools leverage machine learning algorithms and natural language processing to create various content types, including:

  • blog posts, 
  • social media updates, 
  • videos, 
  • emails, and many more. 

The software can produce content quickly and efficiently. This makes it an invaluable resource for businesses looking to maintain a robust online presence without investing significant time and resources.

screenshot from the podcast with Jeff Coyle's quote

Specialized AI content creation platforms are particularly effective for business applications. They can generate high-quality content that converts well and is tailored to specific user needs, such as marketing emails and landing pages. 

These platforms are built to meet user needs, making them popular with marketers and business owners who want to improve their content strategies.

In contrast, general-use off-the-shelf tools like ChatGPT offer versatility but may lack the specialized capabilities needed for specific business objectives.

Our AI solutions combine generative AI, which creates new data based on input, with predictive AI, which makes forecasts using historical data. This hybrid approach enables businesses to create innovative content and make accurate predictions for better decision-making. 

For example, we used our product Content AI to help a client with resume-writing services. We streamlined their process by generating tailored resumes and predicting successful job matches, significantly increasing client satisfaction and efficiency.

Types of AI Content Generation

AI content generation uses artificial intelligence technologies to create various forms of content, such as text, images, and audio and video content, with minimal human intervention.

Text-Based Content

AI-driven tools generate a wide range of text-based content, including articles, blogs, social media posts, and emails. These tools use advanced algorithms to create coherent and relevant content based on given inputs. 

Businesses benefit by producing large volumes of high-quality written material quickly, reducing time and effort. However, Jeff notes that AI tools can also help with the editing process.

Images & Video

AI technologies create customized images, infographics, and videos. These tools can generate graphics, edit images, and produce animated videos with minimal human intervention. 

AI-generated visual content can include automated subtitles and scene transitions. This allows businesses to rapidly produce high-quality visual content at scale, effectively engaging audiences.

Audio (Voiceover)

AI-driven audio generation tools create realistic voiceovers for various applications, such as videos, podcasts, and automated customer service systems. These tools convert written text into natural-sounding speech with multiple voice options and languages. 

Businesses can enhance their multimedia content using AI-generated audio content, providing a more immersive and accessible experience for their audience while reducing costs and production time.

Deep Dive Into Jeff’s Predictions on AI

Jeff envisions AI capturing and interpreting every business interaction to create a wealth of actionable insights. This foretells a future where every digital footprint becomes a strategic asset in understanding and serving your market.

He predicts that the commoditization of the very powerful models will make differentiation critical.

screenshot from the podcast with Jeff Coyle's quote

Understanding AI's Role in Content Strategy

Jeff argues that AI will revolutionize how we approach content, transforming it from a game of chance to a strategic, data-driven endeavor. The implications for businesses are profound: a shift from viewing content teams as cost centers to recognizing them as crucial value and growth drivers.

We asked Jeff about some lesser-known ways AI enhances the ROI for content marketing beyond just the typical ones, like driving traffic and engagement.  

“The unexpected ROI is the ROI of people believing that you're predictable as a business.“ — Jeff Coyle

He said he likes to consider the entire content life cycle and the process that goes into it: 

  • research, 
  • planning, 
  • prioritization, 
  • briefing, 
  • writing, 
  • editing, 
  • publishing, 
  • optimization, 
  • post-publish optimization,
  • maintenance. 

Jeff also said all of those things have a series of steps that can be improved.

AI in Content Marketing

There are numerous benefits to using AI for marketing. It enhances your content creation process, enabling you to scale efforts and create content that appeals to your target audience and ranks well in search engines. 

Various tools assist with different stages, from generating ideas and selecting keywords to writing content. These specialized tools cater specifically to user needs, making them particularly valuable for creating, for example, high-converting landing pages and emails, which are essential for marketers and business owners.

While human input remains crucial for editing, AI significantly speeds up the process. It removes the challenge of starting from scratch and moving beyond instinct-driven content creation.

However, as Jeff notes, there are some challenges with AI in content marketing.

screenshot from the podcast with Jeff Coyle's quote

Data-Driven Content Planning

AI tools can analyze communication data. You can use AI-driven analytics tools to interact with customers across various channels. This could include analyzing customer feedback, social media interactions, and support queries to identify common themes and insights.

To optimize your content strategy, incorporate AI-driven techniques for planning and predicting content success:

  • Implement AI-powered analytics tools: Select and use AI tools like MarketMuse or SEMrush to analyze content performance. These tools can help identify which topics resonate with your audience and highlight content gaps in your market.
  • Develop predictive models for content success: Use AI to analyze historical data and predict future trends. This can involve using tools to forecast topic relevance, audience interest, and engagement metrics, helping to make informed decisions about what content to produce next.

Another way to use AI in content marketing is to integrate it with a customer relationship management (CRM) system. You can enhance your CRM with AI capabilities to understand customer needs and behaviors better. 

This integration can facilitate personalized marketing efforts and improve customer service experiences.

What Are the Benefits of AI Content Creation?

Besides the above-mentioned data-driven insights, here is a list of other ways AI can benefit your business.

Time and Cost Savings

AI can automate the content creation process, enabling the quick production of high-quality articles, blog posts, and social media updates. This allows businesses to scale their content production without a proportional increase in time and resources.

Enhancing SEO

  • Leverage AI for advanced keyword analysis: Utilize AI tools to conduct comprehensive keyword research, including long-tail keywords and semantic search queries. This helps in creating content that aligns with what your audience is searching for.
  • Use AI to personalize content: Implement AI-driven content personalization platforms to tailor content for different audience segments. This can involve customizing website content in real-time based on user behavior or segmenting email content based on customer profiles.

Consistency in Brand Voice

AI tools ensure consistency in brand voice and style across various content pieces. They deliver uniform results, allowing for more efficient editing and enhancing content quality.

Enhanced Content Quality

AI tools are increasingly efficient while requiring human input for final touches. 

They help improve content quality by generating consistent drafts, which allows more time to be spent on editing and perfecting the tone and context. This results in higher-quality content and better resource allocation during the editing stage.

Scalability and Efficiency

“In the future, where we're going to be living in an infinite scale scenario.“ — Jeff Coyle

AI content generators boost productivity whether you outsource writing or handle it in-house. These powerful tools streamline tasks like blog post ideation and social media post creation, allowing for rapid content production. 

Automating processes allows businesses to create and distribute content at scale, saving significant time and money compared to traditional methods.

What Are the Challenges of AI Content Creation?

We also have to be honest about some challenges and flaws that come with AI.

Limited Creativity and Authenticity

AI tools often lack the creativity and authenticity that human writers bring to the table. While they can generate content based on algorithms, they fail to produce truly unique and emotionally engaging material. 

This limitation can result in repetitive and uninspired content that doesn't resonate deeply with audiences.

“Companies who fake authenticity are going to explode and implode all the time until people realize they can't fake authenticity.“ — Jeff Coyle

Maintaining a consistent tone of voice is another issue AI tools often struggle with. The tone can vary in long-form content, leading to a disjointed and unprofessional feel. 

Ensuring a consistent voice is crucial for brand messaging and still requires significant human intervention.

AI Hallucinations and Contextual and Cultural Challenges

AI can sometimes generate content that appears factually accurate but is entirely fabricated, a phenomenon known as AI hallucinations. This poses a risk of spreading misinformation and requires vigilant human oversight to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the content produced.

The unreliability requires thorough human review and editing to ensure content quality and accuracy.

Besides producing inaccurate information, AI lacks the nuanced understanding of cultural and contextual subtleties that human writers possess. This gap can result in content that seems out of touch or inappropriate, showing the need for human input to ensure relevance and sensitivity.

Ethical and Plagiarism Concerns

screenshot from the podcast with Jeff Coyle's quote

Using AI for content creation raises ethical issues, including the risk of plagiarism and the production of misleading content. Brands must carefully manage these risks to maintain trust and credibility with their audiences.

You should also:

  • Develop an ethical framework for AI use: Craft a comprehensive policy that addresses the ethical use of AI in your content strategy. This should cover data privacy and user consent and avoid biased algorithms.
  • Ensure transparency in AI-driven content and data collection practices: Be open about the use of AI in content creation and data collection. Inform your audience about how you use AI in your content and how you collect and analyze their data.

SEO and Detection Issues

Just like artificial intelligence tools can enhance SEO, they can also affect it negatively. Search engines like Google are becoming adept at detecting AI-generated content. 

This can result in penalties and reduced search rankings for duplicated or non-original content. Maintaining SEO performance requires ensuring the uniqueness and quality of AI-generated text.

Can AI Replace Human Content Creation?

AI isn't sentient and lacks human experiences. Because of it, it can’t replicate the nuanced creativity humans bring to content creation. While AI tools can collect and process vast amounts of information to generate compelling content (and do it extremely fast), they are designed to assist rather than replace human creators. 

They help scale content efforts and ensure high quality, but human involvement is essential for editing, formatting, and adding a personal touch. AI aids in the process but cannot fully substitute the creativity and insight of human writers.

screenshot from the podcast with Jeff Coyle's quote

To ensure you are maximizing AI content creation potential, you should:

  • Establish guidelines for AI use: Create a set of principles that dictate how AI should be used in content creation, ensuring it aligns with your brand’s voice and values. This includes defining the boundaries for AI-generated content and the role of human oversight.
  • Train content teams: Equip your content team with the skills to use AI tools effectively. This includes training on interpreting AI data, integrating AI insights into the creative process, and maintaining the human element in AI-assisted content.

Embracing the AI Revolution

‍Integrating AI in content strategy is not just a technological shift but a fundamental change in how businesses engage with their audiences. It’s an opportunity to enhance marketing, storytelling, and customer engagement through a data-driven, efficient, and authentic approach.

Want to learn more about using AI for content production? Check out this episode on 6 ways you can use AI to create better content with Miguel Guerrero, CEO of Otis AI.

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